i had serious doubts about whether it was worth seeing fantastic four given that there were tons of corny, omg shakes head jokes in the trailers, and sue storm was like latino. but seeing as how i’m a comic nut i couldn’t really pass it up (i mean ff are actually well known unlike daredevil, elektra, punisher). so last friday, after hearing that it was getting 20-ish% on rotten tomatoes, i went to see it.

it was a long movie and i had serious issues about their casting, only ben grimm looked right — well that is until he turned into the thing. they spent a lot of (too much?) time on character building for an action movie but at least stayed more or less true to the comic. i have to say that i’m glad that there were only one or two stupid jokes that i didn’t see in the trailer and their attempts at comedy were (aside from the stupid ones) fairly successful. it’s another one of those enjoyable comic movies (e.g. league of extraordinary gentlemen). I’d give it three out of five stars.

oh yeah i should also mention that they made alba look hot without shedding a lot of clothes (and being visible at the same time). yay for pg-13.