Two Sundays ago, I went out to Mt St Helens to see the remenents of a volcanic eruption. It’s not as close to Seattle as I thought (2.5 – 3 hours) but hey, it’s one of those things that I would regret not going to visit. Anyways, it turned out to be much more like a tourist attraction than Mount Ranier; there’s a dedicated highway that led to the eruption site with pit stops along the way for museums and views of the landscape. Unfortunately for me, on the day that we went there was a massive cloud hanging over the dome so I couldn’t actually see the dome.

In contrast to that, this Sunday was probably the clearest day I’ve seen around this area. Ed came down to visit this weekend from Vancouver so I was driving him around to the sights and on the way to the Boeing Museum of Flight, we saw an incredible view of Mount Ranier. If you’ve ever seen a Washington license plate, you’ll know that it’s basically a background of Ranier with numbers and letters on the front; well the view that we saw was pretty much like that without the letters and numbers.