After finishing my first Hearthstone adventure, I played one of the heroic heroes. It was quite challenging but I was able to beat Anub’Rekhan. I tried the next hero (Grand Widow Faerlina) but after several tries, I couldn’t defeat her and gave up.

Now that I’ve spent more time on Hearthstone, expanded my collection and improved my thinking of the game (also having more power creep in expansion helps), I’ve decided to take another shot at them. Heroic adventures should probably be my most favorite playmode in Hearthstone; there’s a clearly defined goal that you need to tackle and you need to find some way to beat the rules in the AI (game within a game)

Perhaps what set me up to taking in these challenges again was the recent tavern brawl – Unite Against Mechazod. In this one, you and your opponent had to team up to defeat a 2/95 mech. The first couple of times were difficult and I lost a lot. But once I figured out the tricks of my and my teammate’s deck, as well as the behaviour of the AI; the victory was easy (although I still lost a bunch because the quality of my teammate’s play varied)

Fighting Heroic bosses is easier now with my expanded collection, although I still don’t have all the cards (for example it would be a lot easier if I had Alexstrasza to bring the hero’s health from 45 to 15). Yet that’s part of the fun because I need to figure out my strategy and deck with these limitations. I’m going to keep track of my progress on my blog by posting my deck construction and strategy, assuming I actually beat any more heroes!