This September we did some travelling but it was probably not what you would think. For Labour day we went down to the US since we haven’t been in a long time – that trip was pretty typical, although the highlight of the trip was to reproduce some photos with our newborn.

Later in the month, I went down to NYC for work; but instead of going during the week, I went down on the weekend. The main purpose was to attend Droidcon. It was better & bigger than the last Android conference I attended but unfortunately only had similar swag (there were a lot of opportunities to get t-shirts, but I didn’t bother trying to maximize the swag). I also saw a bunch of people walking around with Google Glass, and almost 50% of the people had Android Wear devices.

While I was down in NYC, Pauline took the kids to visit her sister in Ottawa which was the first time they went on a trip without me. It turned out ok without any disasters so that was great too.

Meanwhile in the city, this month we went to a bunch of places to pick fruits and vegetables. We don’t have a cold cellar so can’t really store any of what we gather, so we basically have to eat or share it. Apollo also started his first music class, although it’s more like listening to music/singing and dancing. Not an actual class where he will learn to play instruments (not even percussion ones). We also went to the zoo, which was actually a lot less fun than you would think (even though Apollo can recognize some of the animals)

This month I also got my second set of wisdom teeth removed. It was an easier process because they were both out anyways – I didn’t even need stiches.