I have a lot of embarrassing notes as part of the over 750 blogs that I’ve cross-posted on Facebook Notes. It’s one thing to blog about esoteric and anal things that you don’t really expect anyone you know to read because they have to actively seek out the source of your drivel; it’s another to stand on a soap box and blab all over the news feed of everyone on your friends list about the minutia of your daily life. Since I try to blog every day (ok at least 5 out of 7 days), I end up doing a lot of the latter.

Now I figured out a better solution for this. There are some blogs that I don’t mind the exposure and for those I’m going to add them to two categories on my blog, and I’m going to ask Facebook to pull in notes only from a special Facebook Notes category. That should help me from making my dirty laundry too easily accessible to the world.