Nothing to blog about today, so let me tell you about my weekend.

On Friday, we decided to meet up and see some more Luminato events. We went down to BCE Place to see the floating artworks and to have dinner at Richtree. I met up with Joe and Peter on time, but everyone else was an hour late so we wasted time by taking lots of random pictures, mostly of Peter as a male model. Afterwards, we headed off to the TD Centre for some more floating art. The best piece, which consisted of floating balloons was still in the process of being setup so we couldn’t actually see it. Overall however, the floating artworks were a deflating experience.

Afterwards we went off to the Harbourfront to check out Pulse Front. It wasn’t as cool as I thought it would be, but it was art produced by the public, so I guess it is good in away. I tried to take some pictures here, but it was just too dark (couldn’t see the settings on my camera). Also, no one brought a tripod so I couldn’t do long exposures properly. We made a half-hearted attempt to look through the Carnivalissima but it was kind of boring. I went home after this, passing the last floating artworks exhibit at Union Station which consisted of four huge horses suspended from the ceiling.

On Saturday, I went to Mandarin but I was tired from the night before so my pronunciation was pretty far out. Afterwards I worked on Pauline’s marking backlog. On Sunday, Pauline went to pick her photo shoot dresses with Kitty and Ida and I tagged along for the trip. I felt liberated because for once I didn’t have to lug my camera around. In any case, that day can be summed up as: “Now I know how Kitty feels when we talk about Warcraft”.