here’s something new. i come across plenty of interesting (to me at least) links that i don’t have anything to say about at the moment, but seem like good links to pass on. so here’s me passing them on for your reading pleasure. this will prolly be a somewhat recurring phenomenon although how recurring it is i can’t say.

crazy link roundup #1:
1) scientists have figured out why we hiccup

2) the somewhat opposite of fibre-optic technology
3) possible 4th yr project #1, an auto-playing tetris
4) your dvd colleciton may be rotting away
5) possible 4th yr project #2, a big brother foosball table
6) you too can created those senseless poems on the ttc
7) einstein’s theory of relativity explained using only four letter words or less.

the past three months’ stats are up, not very interesting except that hits from xtina have gone down and lots of people are searching for pictures of pharrell williams. just glancing at this month’s referers, i see lots of people looking for delight delight reduplication and bm98 stuff ending up at my beatmania page