Do people like, still blog?

Tag Archives: webwork

I’ve kept most of my old websites around for nostalgia reasons and to see just how much time I’ve wasted on this hobby. It’ll probably be one of those things I can show my kids when they’re making their own web-houses in Second Life. This is where things got started you young’uns!

Looking through them last night, I discovered that when I started porting everything over into my first “real’ blog, I “missed” some entries; probably less that I overlooked them but more so because they were stupid. Perhaps now I am more secure in my writing skillz because I’ve added them in my August 2001 and September 2001 archives. There’s really nothing noteworthy in them, aside from maybe my 9/11 entries.

Also, it is in fact quite embarrassing how poor and juvenile my non-formal writing used to be. This was in 2001 which was 2nd year University! Yes blogging does help your writing (and capitalization, punctuation; not so much speeling though).