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We started September on vacation in Asia and didn’t get back until the 17th. I was hoping that since we were in Asia in September this year (in the past we would go in August), it would be cooler – but it was actually just as hot (if not hotter) than August! Except for a couple of days in Busan, the temperature was above 30°C every day!

We were in for a shock then, because when we returned to Toronto the temperatures were in the mid-teens! Autumn had arrived indeed.

The two week vacation was a vacation for Apollo as well as he took a break from advancing. Before our trip he had started taking his first steps, but then he regressed since he didn’t get to practice walking much while away. He has since improved and can walk from the living room to the kitchen by himself (without falling).

The big news in Toronto after we got back from vacation (who knows what happened while we were gone) was the talk of the subway extension into Scarborough. Both the federal and provincial governments have committed funds to the project so it might actually see the light of day. For someone who had to ride the LRT and then transfer at Kennedy for many years when I was a teen, this is great news. For the other areas of the city that were hoping for a transit line (light rail even, not a subway), not so much.