Well I am (finally?) finished blogging about my short London trip. Overall, I think it was worth it, although we later found comparable deals to the price we paid. If I had known about that, I think I would have been more hesitant about going.

I saw most of the things I had planned on seeing, but there was no time to go into many of the attractions (which was expected). Although if I had planned on going into the attractions, i think I would have had to stay here for 2 weeks or so, and budgetted more money! The rain was a pain because it was always around; it limited the number of photos I took but I managed around it.

Looking back, I think the things I missed seeing is: 1) Camden Markets, 2) British Library, and 3) climbing The Monument.

Flight There and Back
The hotel and getting around London
Day 1
Day 2 part 1
Day 2 part 2
Day 3
The food