I was in between American Express cards for awhile, but I got a new one just in time earlier this year to secure Front-of-the-line tickets to this year’s (or may be it was last year?) Coldplay tour. I then filed it in my calendar and promptly forgot about it until this week when they played the first of two nights at the ACC.

Mylo Xyloto was an ok album. I really liked the Every Teardrop is a Waterfall (#1 on my 2011 list) but the rest of the songs were only average. So I wasn’t really excited about the concert; but the good thing about Coldplay now is that they have a solid back catalog of hits – their concert ended up being about half the songs from Mylo Xyloto and then all their hits.

We got there a bit early, and caught both parts of both openers. We heard a few songs by Emile Sandé of which the last “hit” I had heard before (Next To Me). But I had never heard of the second opener, Maria and the Diamonds, before. She frankly sucked as it was mostly upbeat and weird pop music. I’m not sure why she was an opener, because I don’t think the (starting to age) fans of Coldplay enjoyed or will be interested in Alice Deejay-esque dance music.

Then Coldplay hit the big stage with their ~20 song set. They put on a show (lots of things in the air, and everyone was part of the concert with Christmas light wrist bands) and I can’t say that it was bad, but it wasn’t that great either. It really felt like Chris Martin was dialing it in, and his shout outs to the crowd were horrible (that was to be their “best” concert for the “best” fans). In fact, I think the only moments when he was sincere was the two times he messed up. I can’t really blame him though, after touring so many times and 75% through the current tour.