At work there is a revolving door. Not a metaphorical one where existing people leave for greener pastures and new recruits arrive, but a physical revolving door that lets people enter and exit the building. I was all set to write about why we have such a thing, but then I remembered that I blogged about this before.

So why did I choose to blog about it again? Turns out the designers didn’t think about the scenario when the door breaks down. If you have double doors, you can close one and keep the other functioning, but a revolving door has a single point of failure. Also it doesn’t work so well for packages that don’t like spinning (i.e., luggage), so there is a normal door to the side to handle these situations. But to keep the security model in place, you can’t use the normal door unless you have special access.

This is in my mind because yesterday, the revolving door broke down. In order to keep things rolling, a security guard had the luxurious job of sitting beside the door and buzzing everyone out so they could leave the building.