Last weekend, Pauline and I went to the Markham Bridal Show at the Angus Glen Golf Club. This was a small bridal show, featuring only 40 exhibitors and most of them were local (as in Markham/Unionville businesses). It was also much cheaper than the Total Wedding Show (which was also on last weekend), $2 compared to $15 or $20 or whatever it was.

This was the first bridal show we’ve been to, and I guess it was an opportunity to see what these types of shows were like. The types of businesses were pretty clear cut. You had your makeup and cosmetics, flowers, dresses, honeymoon destinations, chocolates, cakes, invitations and other paperwork, photography and videography, wedding consulting, and sound.

For us, because our wedding date is so far in the future, it was mostly an opportunity to pick up business cards for future reference. We ended up with one of those Holt Renfrew style bags full of stuff! And this was only 40 exhibitors, I wonder what’s going to happen this weekend when we visit the 350ish exhibitors at the National Wedding Show??