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Tag Archives: cascon

Thursday was the last day of CASCON and it was actually pretty lax. I showed up in time for the Technology Showcase at lunch. I only ended up doing 2 demos, both for stakeholders of the project. The good thing is that it went pretty much flawless.

After lunch, I attended a Hands On workshop on Enterprise Search. This ended up being really boring as they just covered the basics of search and then went through the features of IBM’s enterprise search product. So, I jumped ship and headed off to a Web 2.0 workshop and listened to the panel discussion there instead.

Afterwards, I went up to the Technology Showcase to pick up my stuff. The tear down of the showcase started at 2:30, but by the time I showed up at 5, everything was torn down already. I was supposed to take my signage but I guess it went into the garbage, or someone else took it. At least I was able to find my coat!