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Monthly Archives: October 2008

We’ve been downloading a lot of “trial versions” from the XBM, stuff like Duke Nukem 3D, Super Puzzle Fighter, and some lesser known games. Most of the games are relatively fun, and I’ve thought about buying some; but have decided not to for a couple of reasons:

  • I have to pay full price for everything – that is, I can’t buy used. And I’d rather buy used games to get a discount on them
  • Microsoft Points are kind of a fake economy. Sure, the sticker price is 800 but if it costs $22.60 for 1400 points, that’s actually $13 for a game. Although if you can get a discount on the points, then it’s another story…
  • They’re kind of expensive. For retro games (think Double Dragon) or card games, you might have to pay 400 ($7.50) points. Most games are 800 points, but some go for 1200 ($19.50) or even 1600 ($26)! If I’m paying $26 for a game without a box, it had better be immersive.
  • Lastly, a lot of the games seem like glorified Flash games with HD-resolution graphics.

Is it worthwhile to pay $15 to play a game on your couch, and without squinting at you computer monitor? That sounds like a bum deal. But with games, I think I am a bit frugal (since there are many other ways of acquiring games for free or cheap). I think Penny Arcade sums it up the best; I’d pay $13 for a 2 hour movie, but not the same money for a game that will last 10 hours?