In 2007, I bought my current computer and it’s been chugging a long for awhile. Four years is a long time in the life of a computer, you’re supposed to get a new computer every 3 years aren’t you? Apparently I don’t take my own advice because I’m on a 7-year upgrade cycle.

Anyways, when I bought my computer, I had an eye towards upgrading. I bought a video card with dual monitor ports (although I still only have one monitor) and actually…that’s pretty much it. This month, I’ve been upgrading my computer because it has gotten a bit sluggish. The primary reason is that I partitioned my system drive with 30GB and Vista has pretty much filled that up. In any case, here are the upgrades that I did:

  • A new 2TB 3.5″ external HD over USB 2.0
  • Cloned my photos and music onto the external drive, and moved some other junk over to free up space
  • Re-partitioned my internal drive to give my system partition 80GB
  • Upgrade to Windows 7
  • Add 2GB of RAM

I also intend to get a larger (24″? These go around $160 now) monitor and to replace my speakers (i.e., a stereo system with AUX input) with a good set of 2.0 or 2.1 speakers.